Storm Drainage Facilities Maintenance Committee
There exists an Agreement for Maintenance of Storm Drainage Facilities between Canton Township, and the Association.
In this Agreement, Paragraph 5; commits "...the Association to
(i) the perpetual maintenance, operation, repair, and replacement of the Storm Drainage Facilities...[and]...
(ii) the payment of all costs and expenses in connection with maintenance, operation, improvement, repair and replacement of the Storm Drainage Facilities; and
(iii) the duty to levy appropriate and sufficient assessments (both annual and special) to defray such costs and expenses."
The Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions; Article VII Authority of the Township; Section 3, indicates the Agreement is binding upon the Association and each Owner of any Lot.
Therefore, a Committee to meet these needs is required because:
The Pump Stations require attention, repairs, and maintenance.
Pump Stations fail for various reasons and at unpredictable times.
If repairs can't be made immediately, the pond may need to be emptied with a portable pump.
It takes a significant amount of effort to coordinate these activities.
Maintaining the pumping stations is expensive; and, the Association works to keep those costs as low as possible.
If the Association fails to maintain the Storm Drainage Facilities, Canton Township will take control and repair them on their timeline and at their costs. Then those costs will be passed along to the Owner's thru property taxes.
The Need for Ponds and Pumping Stations
This is best summarized in the document; "Maintaining Your Detention Basin", page 2.
(document originally uploaded from the Canton Township Website;, December 01, 2015)
"When land is altered to build homes and other developments, the natural system of trees and plants over relatively spongy soil is replaced with harder surfaces like sidewalks, streets, decks, roofs, driveways, and even lawns over compacted soils. As a result, less rainwater is soaked up and more rain water/ storm water flows off the land at a faster rate. This can lead to streambank erosion within the local streams and possible downstream flooding.
"In addition, there are increased concentrations of pollutants in storm water/drain water (called nonpoint source pollution). These pollutants include sediment, phosphorus and nitrogen from fertilizers, salts, and oil/ grease from roads and parking surfaces, and bacteria from pet waste. These pollutants, which are a direct result of a variety of common outdoor human and animal activities in the neighborhood, degrade water quality and limit the habitat for wildlife in the stream. Every storm water detention basin located in the communities of southeastern Michigan plays an important role in improving and protecting water quality.
"Your detention basin (along with others in the area) helps to slow the rate of runoff from the neighborhood and improve the quality of the storm water leaving the detention pond. They are important in protecting public and private property, public health and safety, and water quality. The basin collects and traps sediment from storm water that would otherwise end up clogging our rivers and streams and degrading the environment for fish, birds, and other wildlife."
Ponds and Pump Station Locations
Detention Pond and Pump Stations:
Valentine Court: Between Valentine Court and Sheldon
Sheldon Road: Nowland Drive at Sheldon
Palmer Road: Nowland Drive at Palmer
Retention Pond (no pump):
Nowland Court: Between Nowland Court and Sheldon